*** Expecting to Wean Late February / Early March ***
Maroon Bellied Conures are small, social, and intelligent parrots that are known for being playful and affectionate. They have similar size and appearance to Green Cheeked Conures. Learn more about these fascinating birds, their behaviors, and how to care for them in the sections below.
Experience Level: Beginner
Expected Size: Grow up to 9" - 10" from head to end of tail.
Lifespan: Can live up to 20 - 25 years.
Behavior: May be small in size, but they pack a lot of personality. They are playful, curious, and energetic in nature.
Temperament: Are known for being affectionate, playful, and loyal, and they can make great family pets.
Care: For an in-depth guide to care for your baby,
Maroon Bellied Conure Baby
Expecting to Wean Late February / Early March