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Quaker (or Monk) Parakeets are beautiful and intelligent birds. They come in a variety of colors and are larger than the typical Parakeet. The term Parakeet is actually a descriptive term for the body type of these parrots. Quakers are native to South America, but are able to thrive in many geographical locations. Packed with intelligence and personality, these Quakers can be excellent pets!


Experience Level: Beginner / Intermediate.

Expected Size: Quakers grow around 11" from head to end of tail.

Lifespan: Quakers have an average life expectancy of 20 - 30 years.

Behavior: May be small in size, but they pack a lot of personality. They are playful, curious, and energetic nature. While they may not have a big voice, they are able to mimic sounds and speech.

Temperament: Known for being affectionate, playful, and loyal. Can become cage territorial without proper training and socialization.

Care: For an in-depth guide to care for your baby,


Please See Our Care Sheet

Turquoise Quaker Baby

Out of Stock
  • California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee and Wyoming.


    Please check your local ordinances on owning Quaker Parrots. Some states require permits or special regulation (ex: having clipped wings and being banded) while other states are prohibited. 


    However, most states do not have any regulation on owning Quaker Parrots.

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