** Weaning Early February **
The Sun Conure, is a medium-sized, vibrantly colored parrot native to northeastern South America. With their stunning colors and affectionate behavior, Sun Conures are one of the most popular pets for bird owners.
Experience Level: Beginner / Intermediate.
Expected Size: Grow around 11" - 12" from head to end of tail.
Lifespan: Have an average life expectancy of 15 - 30 years.
Behavior: Sun Conures are playful birds, lying on their backs or dangling from a rope toy. The Sun Conure is extremely affectionate and cuddly and will be deeply loyal to a gentle owner.
Temperament: Known for being affectionate, playful, and loyal. Sun Conures have become one of the favorites for bird owners, and one of our personal favorites! Most peoples only drawback with Sun Conures are their higher pitched vocals.
Care: For an in-depth guide to care for your baby,
Please See Our Care Sheet
Sun Conure
** Weaning Early February **